Photo Gallery

"You dont have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great" -Les Brown

My first love...Photography

I got my first camera at the age of eight or nine. It was a purple point and shoot from rite Aid. I immediatley started taking pictures of everything I saw. From the flowers in the yard to of course my dog. As I grew I found myself loving portraits and exploring the realm of surrealism photography which includes lots of creativity, photoshop and a touch of magic. I began setting up shoots in my room/ back yard and anytime a friend came over Id ask them if we could make a video or photoshoot. I didnt realize this wasnt normal for a midde school kid until much later in life when I looked back and saw my passion was with me all along and that I had a cleat gift for it. I began shooting weddings in high school and experimenting with photoshop and concept photography. I then joined yearbook to be around photography and grow the skills I greatly benefit from today such as writing, editing, graphics, buiness and DEADLINES. Seeing as I was a high schooler and not surrounded by experienced models, I naturally had to fill the role of photographer AND model; hence the beginning of my self portrait journey. I am now 25 and have ben shooting for 14 years. I have shot the covers for the Bakersfield Family Magazine, weddings, families, graduations adn everything in between for life. I know one day I wont be able to remember some moments so being able to capture them forever is a timeless gift I will always cherish. I hope my photos insipre and bring feelings and wonder to those who see them.